Company Fired Temporary Agency Staff Member and Failed to Hire Her for Full-Time Position Because of Association with a Child with Disabilities
New Mexico Orthopedics Associates, P.C. (NMOA), which owns and operates a medical facility in Albuquerque, will pay $165,000 to settle a lawsuit for associational disability discrimination filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). According to...

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Why should I even have to explain?
Shortly after starting my newest company, DisAbility Mama & Co, a close family member asked me, “Why is it that everything you do has to do with disability? Every one of your businesses, every non-profit you have started, every organization you volunteer for,...
If you don’t roll with it, you get rolled on!
For those who know me, I travel a lot. Rarely a week goes by that I’m not on a plane. My friends also know that I rarely stay awake on a flight – typically fast asleep before we leave the gate, not waking until we land. That is, until a flight home from San...
529 plans expand to include disabilities
KARE Legislation has created a new vehicle called 'ABLE Accounts' to save for future expenses related to the needs of loved ones with disabilities. Click here for the full report #jointhemamamovement #specialneeds #planforthefuture
Do you need to be “All Eyes”?
Do I ever feel like this? Needing to be "all eyes" as they say? I'd love to hear when. #jointhemamamovement
Is it 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Is Your glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Albert Einstein said, You can look at life as everything is a miracle or nothing is. My glass is overflowing w/miracles. Share your miracles with us at www.disabilitymama.com and #jointhemamamovement #specialneeds
As a DisAbility Mama…where do you get your support?
Having a very supportive spouse doesn't hurt either. Would love to hear about your great friend/supportive spouse stories! #jointhemamamovement
It’s Almost Friday!!
Hope it's a great one!
DisAbility Mama’s gotta have bags
If a DisAbility Mama's gotta have bags, they should definitely be designer. What do you think? Post your thoughts on www.disabilitymama.com and #jointhemamamovement